eDocPrintPro overview

Plug-ins - Modular extension

eDocPrintPro can be extended with plug-ins and features a variety of options, functions and possible output formats.


Additional tool allows you to install multiple eDocPrintPro drivers which can be addressed via different names and can be configured separately.

Integration into own applications

Our SDKs will help our products to integrate into your applications. Various tools support your development work.


eDocPrintPro PDF/A (license) has the same features like eDocPrintPro but extended with the ability to create PDF/A-1b compliant documents.

eDocPrintPro Toolbox

The applications eDocPrintPro Tool, Manage Settings and ApplyESF are installed together with the eDocPrintPro printer driver.


Free to use icon-tray application to use eDoc plug-ins without printing!

More about eDocPrintPro

Plug-ins, actions and other functions

Information: PDFBlog | YouTube

+ PDF Format

Adobe 3/4/5 selectable, detect page orientation and automatic rotation, Web optimization, compress pages, fonts embedding, PDF/A (optional)

+ Output

Select the output in black and white or color. Setting output resolution – 72, 144, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 3600, 4000 dpi. Adjust sort order of the pages – normal or reversed.

+ Save

Automatic naming based on variables.
File: Overwrite, add counter, attach or insert possible and pre-settable target directory / file name.

+ Settings

Run Downstream Action and notification to the integration of downstream applications. Settings can be stored and retrieved in the profile file.

+ Tools for PDF processing

Optimal integration of software products into business processes is critical to the value and efficiency of the solution

+ Paper formats

56 predefined DIN ANSII and paper formats. Other (mm, inch) can be predefined.

+ Language

Automatic user interface language switch.
Languages​​: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Romanian

eDocPrintPro PDF is FREE – just download and start.
PDF/A and ZUGFeRD printers as well as plugins are fee-based!

You can easily buy our fee-based products in our WebShop.

Of course you can also inquire directly and get an offer from us for your order.

The products are installed as a DEMO version at the workplace and can be tested with all functions for 30 days. Afterwards, the software must be activated as a full version, otherwise a DEMO stamp will be applied to the generated documents.

The products are licensed according to your order for the workstation, terminal server or server.

The licenses are tied to the workplace where it was activated first. Licenses can be transferred.

When you purchase a full license, you will receive access data from the ProductActivationManager and activate your DEMO version as a full version. The activation key is called via a server installed in our house and accessible via the Internet.

Concurrent Use for Terminal Server: The software is installed on the Terminal Server for any number of users in the concurrent user license model. The server registers the number of licenses currently issued and grants each authorized user the right to use. If all licenses are assigned, an additional concurrent user must wait until another user terminates his session and a license is available again.

Product Activation

You can activate the products by clicking the user interface on the button “Activate” in the “Info” or “About” or start the Product Activation Manager directly via Start | Programs | Your Product | Product Activation Manager.

Activate Application: ONLINE (Video: PAM – ONLINE Activation)

Activate the product with user ID and password. Select the Application (left side) and then “Activate Application”. You will be prompted for user ID and password and then see all the remaining free licenses to choose from. Select one and click “OK” – Activation Complete! This variant requires an internet connection!

Please note that the licenses are hardware bound. The use on another computer is possible only through a prior release (MOVE) of the already activated licenses.

Move license (to new PC) (Video: PAM – MOVE License)

This option allows to transfer a license to a different PC. Input of UserID und Passwort is necessary! Product will remain as demo version on your PC.

OLD PC: ProductActivationManager | select license | „Move License“ Button | Username / Password | OK

NEW PC: ProductActivationManager | select application | „Activate Application“ Button | Username / Password | select license | OK

Individual printer driver

This gives you a "Ready to Run" setup for the individual integration, as well as customer-specific functions.

eDocPrintPro Customized
Individual printer driver with your logo and name

You will receive one, according to your wishes, individualized version that you can redistribute and use as needed, and without further restrictions. Contains the name of the setup and the printer. It is possible to install multiple printers with different names. Individual default settings for each of the created printer. Installation of Printer PlugIns can be optionally made ​​by us. Customized logo under the installed applications and adapted “About / About” tab in the printer settings. Further adjustments by agreement.

ZUGFeRD Customized
Printer driver for manufacturers of software solutions

The ZUGFeRD eDocPrintPro PDF / A-3 printer driver is also of particular interest to manufacturers of software solutions because it makes it easy to implement ZUGFeRD compliant electronic invoices. The software only has to generate the ZUGFeRD compliant XML file, the rest is done by the ZUGFeRD printer driver. Software vendors can install the solution under their name and use it with an OEM license. To do this, you get the eDocPrintPro SDK to automate the printing process and to be able to extract the ZUGFeRD XML Extractor with the XML from the PDF (C# .NET or Commandline Tool).


Overview of individual functions and the interface

Click here for our video tutorial

iPaper offers a multitude of additional functions beyond the functionality of individual plug-ins and combines a multitude of plug-ins (overlay, merge, mail, sign, …) in a single easy-to-use application.

www.iPaper.at Learn more about it

iPaper queue, DropZone / DropFolder, XML Commands, ZUGFeRD, PDF / A-1b and 3b Add-On, …



V 5.8.0 FREE Download

Windows 64bit

Workstation and Terminal server


V 10.03.1 FREE Download

Windows 64bit


V 1.3.12 FREE Download

Windows 64bit

IMPORTANT: Existing PDFs should not be reprinted as a PDF, otherwise this can lead to errors!

For a 32bit Version please use these downloads | eDocPrintPro 32bit V4.0.2 | GhostScript V 9.27 32bit


The eDocPrintPro is conceived as local-to-install drivers for all Windows operating systems (64bit Windows 7/10/2008/2012/2016/2019, Terminalserver, Citrix). Not for use as a print server, enabling the installed printer driver on the server and share it. The installation requires administrative privileges. Requires all permissions on the folder C: \ Windows \ Temp. The above shown GhostScript Version is mandatory! From version 3.25.0 .NET 4.x is required!

Information: WIKI | PDFBlog | YouTube

